Vision Magazine - October/November 2023


Lipman possesses a strong sense of self, and she is highly astute when it comes to problem-solving.

“We always strive to challenge the status quo — to think about what more we can do, or how we can think differently about our market opportunities, competitors and customers with an eye on the long-term goals,” she says. In her youth, Lipman’s desire was to become a photo editor for National Geographic

“As CEO I have the privilege of working with brilliant, passionate people who are experts in the field. I try to offer a fresh perspective and help us think about what more we can accomplish if we set our sights higher and work better together.” Clearly a multitasker,

Lipman can’t sit still for very long. “I tend to have a good amount on my plate at any given time,” she says. About three years ago, that plate runneth over when Lipman and her husband, Story, became parents to a daughter, Ella Meriwether. “Story is my No. 1 sounding board. He balances out my lofty thinking, helping me keep my feet on the ground with my head in the sky.” Spending time with Ella and Story is what fuels Lipman and paradoxically relaxes her at the same time. “Being a mom puts so much in perspective,” she says. “Not many women get to work and be a mom – it’s a hard balance to strike. Doing something that I love makes me a better mom to my daughter, even when I’m exhausted. My hus- band and my daughter, that’s what I choose every day.” Throughout her career, Lipman has learned to never back down from a challenge. “I always try and improve myself and the organizations I work in,” she says. “I have had incredible opportunities. I’ve been able to explore the world, but I haven’t followed a linear path.” Moving forward, Lipman knows that what has built and evolved Lipman Family Farms for four generations is still relevant today, maybe more than ever. “As a company spanning 75 years of my family’s heri- tage, I’ve witnessed how the business has changed, evolved and grown in many incredible ways,” says Lipman. “I stand on the shoulders of giants, and I’m honored to have the opportunity to build our business for generations to come. As we look ahead, one thing that will always remain is our commitment to being a people-focused company and remaining ‘Good From The Ground Up.’” To many outside observers, it would seem that Elyse Lipman leads a charmed life, but in reality, it’s rooted in the principles that Lipman has stood for her entire life — hard work, dedication, passion and love of family.

— a goal she turned into a reality. “My dream job was to become a photo editor for National Geographic, which I ultimately had the opportu- nity to do due to disruptions going on in publishing and technology,” she says. A highly driven, Type A personality, Lipman got her undergraduate degree in Philosophy, Politics, & Economics from the University of Pennsylvania before earning a Masters in Journalism from New York University, which she accomplished while working full-time at publications in New York City. This in turn enabled her next step: moving to Washington D.C. and setting up shop at National Geographic. With an impressive resume that includes academic cre- dentials people dream of, including an MBA in Innovation Management from the Wharton School, Lipman readily admits she likes to surround herself with the best and the brightest. “I continue to seek out and enjoy environments for learning with people who are dedicated, passionate and experts at what they do,” she says. During her journalism years, Lipman learned a few other things after living in Argentina and Peru — in addition to learning Spanish. “It gave me a great view of the world,” she says. “I also learned what a powerful tool technology was. It became so clear to me that technology was disrupting a lot of industries.” Before coming on board, Lipman worked at the presti- gious World Economic Forum, where she played a pivot- al role in launching its Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Her focus was on emerging technologies and fostering collaborations among diverse stakeholders. Curious by nature, Lipman is even-keeled and leads with a growth mindset. “It’s being okay with not having all the answers. We can all only accomplish so much as individuals. “We need others to achieve great things,” she says.

Vision Magazine 61

October/November 2023

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